Come See Our Joint Workshop with National CAC at the 34th International Symposium on Child Abuse
Join us March 19-22, 2018 in Huntsville, AL, as we (Network Ninja) demonstrate and discuss best practices for data and workflow management, detailing how National Children’s Advocacy Center has implemented their own “Outcomes Measurements for CACs/MDTs” framework in Collaborate our case management software.
The 34th International Symposium on Child Abuse offers more than 160 workshops with tracks that are designed specifically for Administration, Child Protective Services, Forensic Interviewing, Human Trafficking/Sexual Exploitation, Law Enforcement, Medical, Mental Health/Treatment, Prevention, Prosecution/Legal, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Victim Advocacy and Youth-Serving Organization.
Managing workflows and measuring outcomes with certainty (and software)
Workshop Description and Learning Objectives
Fundamental concepts included will help you:
- Ensure the data you are collecting is usable.
- Guarantee accuracy of the numbers you are reporting.
- Automate as many processes as possible, so nobody slips through the cracks.
- Adopt NCAC’s “Outcomes Measurements for CACs/MDTs” for your own use.
Focus and Intended Audience
Primary intended audience is anyone working within an MDT and interested in gathering data, creating and/or running reports, and/or managing staff workflows.
Check the NCAC site for symposium details. Be sure to schedule a Campus Tour while you’re there.
See you in Huntsville!