Collaborate Community Flourishes with Trainings & Go-Lives Galore
It’s an exciting time for the Collaborate community! Over 100 new agencies have been trained on Collaborate this summer, including dozens of Children’s Advocacy Centers, and organizations that provide services to adult victims of domestic and sexual violence.
CAC Kentucky Nears the Finish Line
The folks at Children’s Advocacy Centers of Kentucky, a network of 16 CACs, are wrapping up training for their statewide case management implementation.
“We are mostly through our Collaborate training program,” says Jonathan Picklesimer, Data Specialist, Children’s Advocacy Centers of Kentucky. “Everyone has been super impressed with the product, and are very excited about the future.”
Users are handling the upgrade from NCATrak to Collaborate well. “The Class Management, Case Review, and Reporting features are a hit,” says Picklesimer. “Folks are getting really, really excited and are looking forward to getting started.”
“Folks are optimistic and excited about the future. Thank you all for your hard work to make this project come into focus. I look forward to completing this stage of the journey!”
Jonathan Picklesimer
Data Specialist, Children’s Advocacy Centers of Kentucky
West Virginia CAN Go Live
West Virginia Child Advocacy Network (WVCAN) comprises a network of 22 CACs that serve over 3,900 Clients each year, and is growing quickly - local centers are seeing 66% more cases than five years ago, thanks to greater public awareness of help available.
WVCAN’s Go-Live was made possible in part by ace Collaborate trainer Ted Buckenham - himself a former CAC executive director. “Thank you so much for training our crew!” wrote Caitlin Smith, WVCAN Director of Strategic Initiatives, in a text message to Ted.
“Having a ‘peer’ training [CAC staff] and speaking their language meant so much to them.”
Caitlin Smith
Director of Strategic Initiatives, West Virginia Child Advocacy Network
Ted Takes South Carolina
Ted’s Summer Training Tour ‘19 continued with a weeklong stop in South Carolina to train not one, but two, statewide agencies nearing their own Go-Lives.
South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA) and the South Carolina Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers (SCNCAC) help member organizations serve thousands of clients per year across the Palmetto State. Soon, they’ll become the first state to have both their CAC and DV/SA agencies using Collaborate (we’ll have more on this historic development later).
Below we see Ted bringing SCNCAC staff up to speed on their tailored Collaborate implementation - no doubt using the sort of genteel software wisdom he’s become known for.
Douglas County Taps Collaborate for a Third Agency
Social services agencies come in all shapes and sizes. Douglas County, Nebraska has used Collaborate to help run its Department of Corrections and General Assistance program for several years, and the municipality recently signed on to create an implementation for a third department.
The Douglas County Veterans’ Service Office makes a difference in Veterans’ lives by providing advocacy for and education about Veterans’ claims with the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. With Collaborate, the office is leveraging better software to help improve outcomes for our nation’s heroes.
Congratulations, and thank you, to all of the new organizations joining the Collaborate community! We look forward to providing exceptional software and service to help you do your important work.
Crimes Against Children, Dallas, TX
The Collaborate crew will be in Dallas, Texas, August 12th-15th, for Crimes Against Children Conference. Would you like to schedule an in-person meeting during this time? Please reach out to us. See you there!